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Meet the Survivor

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.


 â€“Emily Dickinson 

I was born in Tuscan Airzona on April 15, 1976. In Davis Mouthen airforse base. I was a blue baby from the lack of oxygen it went to my brain and I almost died at birth. I moved to California in June because they didnt have right equipment to take care of me. My parents;Linda and Glenn Hanna, found that I had a congenital heart defeact serve tretolgy fallot. My first open heart surgery was when I was 2 years old in 1978. The second heart surgery was when I was 5 years old in 1981.the last heart surgery was when I was 13 years old in 1989. Later on, I had a surgery done called phyarynegeal flap, I had a problem with my throught. I had a grandma seziure at age of 18 and I was in a comma for about a week, suffered brain damaged. At the age of 34, I was dignosed with 22q11/vcfs the doctors knew about it but didnt tell my mom or dad. I had two sinues surgeries. Even through the medical problems I have had, I find comfort in pursuing my education in Human Survises so I can help others, I will have a BA in 2015. My goal in life is to inform people about 22q11 and other prblems they may have. 



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